Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Known Enemy

Okay, so why is it ok for Obama to be friends with a known terrorist? I don't want to hear that he is only "friendly" with him, damnit. Let's call it what it is.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I am able to upload pictures today. These pictures go with my post below. I'm sure you can figure out which pictures go with which paragraph. So, read the post below then look at the pictures, k?, k!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Dear Sandy

My friend left me a message chastising me for not keeping up on my blog. I have so much to tell but when I get a free moment to do so, I feel too tired for the task.
But, I don't like to disappoint. So........

Dear Sandy,

The summer has gone by way too fast. This marks my last week of official summer vacation. Back to school next week. I must admit I look forward to returning to work, but I mourn the end of my beloved summer. Bittersweet.

June came and went in a hurry. Gary and I managed to get away for an overnight to Put In Bay. We dropped the top on "Anglbug" and hit the road on a Sat. morning and came home Sunday afternoon. A short trip, but wonderful as well. The pool opened and that's usually where I spent 3 days a week as Asst. Manager. The boys were hired as lifeguards this summer so we have spent some real quality time together. Let me say,I don't think they liked having me as their "boss" at first, but we worked things out.
Molly spent a week at camp and stayed true to character when it took me 45 minutes to get her in the car at the end of her stay. I gave her all the time she needed amidst the tears, and hugs and promises to "see you next summer".

July has managed to breeze by even quicker. A few of the month's highlights included spending 4th of July with one of my dearest friends. Colleen and I grew up together and she has lived in California for a long time..but she came "home" for the 4th. So we were given a whole day to just "hang out".
I also got to spend a crazy fun night with another dear friend with whom I had lost touch. Andrea and I went to high school and college together. She's been living in Washington State and I hadn't seen or heard from her in years. We re-connected and got together for dinner and drinks when she was in town. My wonderful friend Jamie was able to join us as did crazy Shelley who helped orchestrate the whole thing.
Lots of laughing and lots of stares from people who just don't get it!!
Also spent a week in Florida with Gary and the kids. We spent time with my brother and sis-in-law which is always a good time. Took a trip to the Everglades and an airboat ride to see the alligators! Let me tell ya, there's lots of alligators in the Everglades!! I can never get too much of the's good for my soul.

So Sandy, here I sit thinking of all I have to do to get not only myself, but the kids ready for school this year. Andy is ready for senior year and all the excitement that comes with it....I'm living vicariously through him. We took a tour of OU this past week and it gets me all nostalgic. Re-living your youth can really pull at the heart strings. Man, I've had some good times growing up! Collin will be a junior and Molly is sooo ready for 8th grade....she proclaims quite often that this will be "her best year ever!"
There's still things I didn't get accomplished this summer that I wanted to.
a. Paint Molly's was going to be our mother-daughter project this summer
b. Go to camp with Donna, you, and Susie
c. lose 15 lbs
d. lose another 15 lbs
e. blog more
f. try my hand at painting...I don't know why, but I've really had the urge to buy some paints and brushes and a palette and go for it!
g. girls day/HH at the beach waterpark

However...I DO look forward to fall so we can make our girls trip to Brown Co.

I hope I haven't bored you "Sanny". I will try to post more often so I don't go on and on and risk losing your attention.


PS...I intended to post pictures throughout this letter but the damn blogger refused to let me upload my pictures...I'll try again later :)

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Just Wondering

It's 2:30am...just got home from a night of drinking beers with my sister. Checked the internet, as I always do, and saw a headline from "The Buzz" on gay couples who have "come out". WHAT THE HELL!!!! Now, I am not at all homophobic..BUT...I don't understand why lesbian couples look as if they are heterosexual! One takes the femine role..the other takes the male role. Why is that? Just wondering. One wears the dress, the other wears a pant suit.
Any insight?

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Andy attended his first prom with this girlfriend Megan. They had a great time. I was so excited for him that I swear if he had asked me to tag along I would have!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Two Moms....One Day

The remains of Matt Maupin were found. A young man from Batavia, Ohio, he was stationed in Iraq when his convoy was attacked and he was taken captive. That was 2004. He was 20 years old. The Maupin family was given the news just yesterday. Yesterday, I went to a college fair with my 17 yr. old son. From there we went to get his tux for the prom. Sunday, March 30, 2008. One mom's day of excitement and fun and thoughts of bright futures, another mom's day of pure and complete devastation. I wonder what Matt's mom was doing while I listened to Andy speak with a rep from OU about applying for their School of Journalism. I wonder what Matt's mom was thinking while I was thinking that I can't believe my child is growing up. I wonder how Matt's mom was able to fall asleep last night, while I was able to succumb to slumber the minute my head hit the pillow. One day. I'm sure that for the past 4 years her only desire was to hear that Matt had been found, that he was alive and well. Who wouldn't hold on to that hope? Now her grim reality is that her son won't be coming home. Ever. One world. Less than 1 hour from where I live. A woman grieves the loss of her son, while I celebrated the life of mine. What a reminder that was for me to hug him a little tighter and laugh with him a little louder.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Get Big!

Let's go Xavier! Bring home a winner, Muskies!!!!