Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Listen To This


Attaching a few photos of my son's Yellowstone vacation with his best friends family. He won't be home for another week...I miss him!

Ok,get ready for this. Last week I went to see a man named Thomas Windlow. He is a Natural Psychic Medium. My sister had gone after hearing about him from several friends. She called me immediately following her appointment and was in awe of him. I decided to make arrangements for my own sitting with Mr. Windlow. I was very nervous the night before I went. Would he tell me something I don't want to know? Would nobody from the other side even want to say hello to me? Was I being disrespectful to God? I questioned myself right to his door. When I entered the home he uses as his office I was still quite nervous...his receptionist is very freaky. Although very friendly, she possessed a high pitched shaky voice that reminded me of something from the land of Oz. She was very animated and wide eyed. Thomas entered the front room and introduced himself and said he would be with me momentarily. He was in the midst of his morning donut and coffee. He walked out to the front porch and this is when my heart really started to race. Could he sense something around me? Were there dark demons he was trying to make sense of? Was he trying to figure out how to inform me that my life is doomed? Was he buying time? He finally re-entered and walked me to his office. He was very kind and calming... a good thing at that point because I was ready to crap my pants! He began by bowing his head in quiet prayer. He then lifted his head and proceeded. Mr. Windlow began by telling me he saw me surrounded by the color green, which means I work with children in the capacity of teacher or counselor of some sort. TRUE. He told me my Dad had passed and that he was behind my left shoulder. TRUE. My Dad was showing him that I have 3 children, 2 boys and a girl, and that my daughter was born right before my Dad passed. TRUE. (he died 3 weeks after Molly's birth). An uncle who was like a second father to me came through. He told me that my son was named after him. TRUE. My grandmother who I never met (which he also knew) came through. He told me that she has walked with me my whole life and that we have some kind of bond....I was named for her. AMAZING STUFF! He described each one of my kids and my husband as if he has known them their whole lives. He talked about what stresses I carry with me and described fairly accurately my feelings about my life. He gave spiritual advice. I was with him 30 minutes but it felt much longer....I really wanted to talk with him all day. His messages of love from my dad, and my uncle, and my grandmother, were so so comforting. They really do exist beyond this earthly plane. I've always believed that and had faith that they do, but it sure is wonderful to get some validation of it all. It was amazing to hear from him that my dad watches over my kids, and hears me when I talk to him, and wants me to talk to him more often, and sometimes sits on the end of my bed. There's too much to explain...but he said things that he had no way of knowing, or could possibly have guessed. I'll admit that I do still have that little pang of guilt for somehow betraying my blind faith...but I really believe that Thomas Windlow was given a gift from God. One he was intended to share.


MommaMonkey said...

Wow, that sounds like an amazing experience. I went to the guy up in Clifton...he was right on the money, too, but I really felt like when I walked out of there I hadn't really gain anything from it. Can I ask how much he was for those 30 minutes?

Betty said...

Stopped by from Chels' blog....WOW! What an awesome experience with that guy. I had chills the whole time I was reading your post. I want to go to him and see what he has to say about me. I'm with Chels on how much did it cost....if you don't mind me asking.

Sharon said...

Chelsea: Although some things he said could have gone for anybody, he was right on so many things. I really felt good walking out of there. The cost... a mere $50.

Steschy: Thanks for stopping by. As I told Chelsea it was 30 min for $50, which included a tape of the reading. It was awesome.

Betty said...

Oh man....I think I could handle $50 for a half hour! I am so interested in that kind of stuff :o)

susieq said...

I am Sharon's older sister and I too have gone to this man. Like Sharon said he was generic about some things but I had validation that only we would have known about. I live in Texas and did my reading over the phone - $75.00 I still got my tape and it was well worth the money and time spent. I wish I could have talked to him all day.

Renae said...

How cool was that!! Sounds like you had a terrific time. Although, sorry to hear you didn't win anything at the casino. Glad your sister won something!!! Yay!! I've had no internet since monday, so I haven't been able to connect lately. Never realized how much I enjoy reading everyones blog's!!! Take care and be Blessed!!!