Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Time Flies..

I had to take a few days off from posting because I was a little "under the weather". Well, ok I had a hangover! Whew, atleast I can admit it....that's a good thing, right? No hidden addictions here! It went something like this....
I have a good friend named Becky. Her father passed away. Mr. E. died at the ripe age of 89 after a rather rapid decline in his health. It was nothing tragic, no sudden surprise, just a natural succession to a life that was lived. Becky informed me that after the funeral home visit all would be gathering for fellowship at the nearby bar....well, you don't have to ask me twice! It was my duty to attend, my obligation as a friend. I would have to put my family duties on hold and be there to support her, even if it meant having to sit at the bar for hours. It was the least I could do. It started out as a rather subdued occasion. Family and friends showed up and had a drink and some food before heading for home. Some lingered a bit longer. MY intention was to be home by 10:30ish. Well, you know what they say about good intentions...I even called home to let Gary know I would be home by 11pm "the latest". I think his reply went something like this...."Yeah, right". So what started out as a gesture of kindness, support, and friendship turned into an 8 hour beer fest! It was as if I blinked my eyes and time catapulted into the wee hours of the morning. I had checked my watch at 9:45pm and when I checked it again it read 3:00. So I compared it with the watches of the others ,just to make sure there wasn't a malfunction, and sure enough theirs read the same! There were others, you ask? SURE....I don't know exactly when the crowd died down, but at some point it was down to me, Becky, Donna, Maria, and "cute boy". (I can't remember his name, although I 'm sure he told me.)
I know for sure it was 5 of us because that's how many shot glasses I saw lined up on the bar. Although the toast I made is still unclear.... I hope it was appropriate. But don't think for a moment that the night was unproductive, because quite a bit was actually accomplished. First of all, I gave a live performance so that my "grieving committee" could hear how well I really do sing. Secondly, I made a few calls to my out of town friends to let them know I was thinking of them (good thing California is 3 hrs. behind us). And thirdly, but most importantly, my crew and I solved all the worlds problems! Not bad! I'm not sure at what point I decided enough was enough, or maybe it was that the bartended decided it for me. In any case, I left...and if I remember correctly, I took Maria with me. I'm assuming I took her home....I haven't heard any different. But not before I wrote down a copy of my favorite poem and gave it to "cute boy"!! Of course, we had to discuss it a bit and talk about what it meant. I think I remember drying my eyes...shit! All in all it was a good night. I'm just glad I could be there for Becky, she's done the same for me....but that's a whole other story!!
So as not to leave you in suspense, I am sharing with you my favorite poem.
(It's actually an extract from a lengthier poem)

If I am not level with the lowest, I am nothing;
and if I did not know for a certainty
that the craziest sot in the village is my equal,
and were not proud to have him walk with me as my friend,
I would not write another word-for this is my strength.
-Edward Carpenter

1 comment:

MommaMonkey said...

Glad you had a nice time drinking with pals, and cute-boys! And at least Gary is an understanding hubby, and knows you well! You're one lucky lady in that department!