Friday, May 11, 2007

What A Week

I am so glad it's Friday. It's been a hectic week. The kids at school are mentally on summer break already. And after school I've had something to do everyday.
MONDAY: Kickball....lost again, but we're getting better : We're working on a new strategy for next week. It goes something like this....kick the ball harder and run faster!
TUESDAY: Both Andy and Collin were eligible for the Academics Award Banquet for the 06-07 school year. School has always been fairly easy for Andy, but Collin has to work a little harder for his grades. He stayed focused even with the grueling schedule of basketball and came through with flying colors. Andy has recently been talking more about college and what he would like to do. I'm very proud of both my baby boys!
WEDNESDAY: Dr. appointment after school. Routine physical. Arrived at 3:45, called back at 4:15, and saw the doctor at 4:40, out the door at 5:10. Yep...I was getting aggravated. My doctor creeps me out a little bit, stands a little too close for comfort...I've gone to him for a long time but at every physical he still will ask "Do you want me to do your pap?" HELL NO!!!
THURSDAY: Marion Devotion at church and then Molly's spring art show and musical presentation at school. Topped off with a trip to the Dairy Queen.
FRIDAY: A little self indulgence by shopping at the mall then driving home so disgusted with myself after trying on all those cute summer clothes that I can't fit into. Damn Dairy Queen!!
I am headed for the couch....nobody is home and it's time to start my Mother's Day weekend early.
Peace and Joy.....


MommaMonkey said...

My goodness, that is a busy week! Congrats to all of your kiddos on their accomplishments! You're one hell of a mother, if no one hasn't told you so lately! Enjoy your Mother's Day weekend!!

LZ Blogger said...

Well at least we know that DQ is the culprit here! te he! I hope you have a Happy Mother's Day Sharon! ~ jb///

Kate said...

Sharon, you weren't to far off the mark by calling Renae -reane. Her brother still calls her" Reene"

Im on your site via Renae.(my daughter)

Kelly said...

Wow! You need a break! Hope you had a great weekend.

Kelly said...

Reading all that made me tired for you! Take a nap!

Renae said...

Hello, sounds like you had a busy week. I agree with your answer to your doctor, lol !!
Hope you had a relaxing Mothers Day. It was a beautiful day here, got some yardwork done, and hung out by the fire pit with friends.
Blessings your way for a terrific week!!


p.s. LOL, my brother does still call me Reene. It comes out more like ' Reeeneee'.....

Doug Bagley said...

Yeah Dairy Queen--it wasn't until recently that I realized it was a fast food restaurant and not a gay farmer--I love their dillie bars!