Thursday, February 8, 2007

I'm Back...

I can't believe it's been 2 weeks since I have last excuse for it!! The days have been rather ordinary and I haven't felt much like "sharing". Sounds rather snobbish doesn't it? No offense.
The winter storm was a nice little change. I mean if it has to be this damn cold we should atleast have some beauty with it. The snow is beautiful...but now I'm ready for spring and then for the return of my beloved summer! The day the storm hit, it took me 45 minutes to make what is usually a 10 minute ride home. My sister was stuck at the hospital where she was, as she likes to say, "landlocked". She was looking at a 5 hour wait just to get out of the parking garage. So my friend Donna and I decided to go "on an adventure"...we decided to rescue her. So what should have been another 10 minute ride now took 1 1/2 hours to get to her. But Patty got tired of waiting and decided to walk to a nearby bar...go figure. So while D. and I sat in traffic, Patty trudged through a 1/2 mile of snow to get her hands on a beer, then called us and told us to pick her up there...Thanks, Pat!! By the time we got there we knew there was no just picking her up and sitting in traffic we went with the only choice we had....we joined her! I let Gary know that we were going to "wait out the traffic". Oops...not a happy husband! So, 2 hours later we figured it was safe to go and we were all safely home in 20 minutes. We are some damn smart women...very resourceful indeed. I love snow days!
I am going to try my best to blog more if anyone really cares. Do you?


MommaMonkey said...

I was beginning to wonder if something had happened to you. Yes, I do care. Because I check your blog every damn day, hoping to read some good juice.

I think you and your sister's bright idea was a good one. Why waste that time sitting in traffic when you could be nice and relaxed in a bar? Someone I know said a co-worker of his left at rush hour and it took him 7 hours to get home. I don't know if he lives in the hicks or if he is just a really bad driver, but 7 hours??? After 2 I would have done what you and your sister did. Just goes to show women are WAY smarter than men!

Sharon said...

Thanks Chels, It's good to know you care :):)
I won't leave you hanging so long next time!

Citymouse said...

I do!!! I do!!! Hey we're going to see cowboy mouth on friday!!! The are soooo good live!

Angel said...

Yes I care! blog more often! and women are WAYYYYY smarter than men.

Unknown said...

We all care. We all care.

I agree with you on the cold-snow thing. If it's going to be cold, there should be snow, dangit. Otherwise everything looks brown and dreary, like my basement.

patty said...

it was a good in the bar watching the snow - we could have stayed longer - maybe next time!