Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Did You Hear About This One...

Did anyone happen to hear about the voicemail Alec Baldwin left for his 11 year old daughter Ireland? The one where he called her a "pig" for not answering his pre-arranged phone call with her. The one where he told her he was going to show her what happens when she doesn't answer his calls. It's starting to become a little more clear to me why this custody battle between him and Kim Basinger is taking so long. I could almost bet that this was not an isolated incident. The courts have decided that Mr. Baldwin cannot be in contact with his daughter until a May 4th hearing...score one for the child! He did make a public apology and blamed the outburst on the fact that he has "been driven to the edge by years of parental alienation" Bullshit, I say! No excuse gives you a right to talk to your 11 year old child like that. Put that boy in some anger management classes. I hope he comes to term with his issues and can make some repair to his relationship with his daughter. If not, send him my way...I have a thing or two I'd like to tell him!


Unknown said...

This is a tragic situation. I don't know all of the ins and outs of the parents but I feel badly for the daughter--so young.

MommaMonkey said...

Another reason why some people shouldn't be parents.

Greg C said...

I did hear about this but didn't get the whole story. Sounds really bad to me. I agree with Chels. I think you should have to pass some type of tests to become a parent. (and not just how to do it) Good thing I didn't hear him say that to his child. I would have a few choice words for him.


Oh BTW, is the strike over or are you crossing the picket line :)

Renae said...

Hi Sharon, my gosh,I heard about that while I was away. Sounds like he's a bit of a control freak!!! He should know better than that. Talking to his own child in that manner is inexcusable!! I think it will be awhile before he gets to see her.

Anyway, I was gone on a little holiday. Hope you have a great week.Blessings sent your way.


Kate said...

Even though I'm not for talking to your kids the way Alex did, I must say, there is always two sides to every story, we just heard his "cause he's so well known...I think she can be a b----h too!