Saturday, March 3, 2007


So I was at the gym last night, walking on the tread mill, well, barely walking because my damn foot hurts so bad...ANYWAY...watching the TV, when I heard something I just couldn't believe!!! Anna Nicole's first husband (I think they were married) Danny, father of her beloved Daniel, wants to have Daniel's body exhumed and moved back to the U.S....WHAT???? This man has had no contact with this boy, no father/son relationship ever existed, and now he wants him closer to him...Too late, buddy!! Now, according to the report, this is all a ploy, he is incahoots with crazy lookin' Vergie who wants Anna buried in Texas. Anna's request was to be buried next to her son. So if Daniel is moved back to Texas, they then feel it would be ruled that Anna should also be moved to Texas. Give me 5 minutes with these two...I will smack the shit out of them!! Are they really that ignorant? Are they that self-involved? What do they have to gain by this crazy notion? Not a daughter, not a son, that was already lost. They were survivors (to some degree) in this world without the help of Vergie and Danny..THEY ARE GONE NOW, V AND D, THEY ARE NOT ALIVE IN THOSE BOXES BURIED 6 FT. BENEATH THE GROUND!!
I surely hope some Judge does not rule in Danny's favor...'cause then I'd have to smack the shit out of him too!!
P.S. Excuse my language!


Renae said...

Hello Sharon. Just popped by via Lz Blogger. That little dancing cat is so cute. I agree with everything that you said about Anna Nicole.It's done now. These people should just leave it be and let them rest in peace!!!Have a great day!!


Renae said...

Whoops! got the cat mixed up!! LOL!!!

MommaMonkey said...

Can you say MONEY? Yeah, that's what it is all about. I don't think you'd be the only one in line to smack the shit out of those two crazies.